
Increase your earnings from your holiday rentals

Earn more money from your holiday rental: you can receive between 12% to 20% more from bookings with Clickstay and Rentalsystems compared to Airbnb, and Vrbo.
List your property

You keep approximately 95% of renter payments, whereas platforms like Airbnb,, and Vrbo may leave you with less than 80%

We charge 3% on the value of the bookings processed on our system. Stripe, our payment provider, charges approximately 2% - but their fees depend upon your status and the card used by the renter.

Clickstay and Rentalsystems fees vs. Airbnb, and Vrbo

Airbnb, and Vrbo's fees range from 14% to nearly 30%! Their charges depend on how you list, whether or not you use a channel manager / property management system or even if you opt in to one of their Preferred Partner programmes.
We've tried to compare their charges below.
Rentalsystems logoClickstay logo
Clickstay and Rentalsystems charges owners 3% of the booking value and Stripe, the payments processor, charges approximately 2%. We also charge a one-off £1, €1 or $1 owner activation fee.
Airbnb logo
Airbnb offers two charging models
  • Split fee: owner / host fee starting at 3% and guest fee of approximately 14% so a total of approximately 17%.
  • Host only fee: typically 14% to 16%.
See Airbnb's own guide to their fees:
Booking dot com logo charges approximately 15% of the booking value, excluding payment processing costs. Owners, if they qualify, can opt in to the Preferred Partner programme for an additional 3% charge. also charges between 1.1% and 3.1% to process payments.
Vrbo logo
Vrbo charges owners 5% of the booking value, rising to 10% if they use a property management system or channel manager. Renters are charged a guest service fee, typically between 6% to 15% depending on the booking value. Vrbo also charges a 3% payment processing fee.

How our fees compare

We've estimated how much you receive if a renter pays £1,000. The fees are the owner and renter combined as this impacts the cost of the booking and therefore how much you can earn.
FeesAmountYou earn
Rentalsystems logoClickstay logo
5%*£50£950 (95%)
Airbnb logo14 - 18%£140 - £180£820 - £860 (82 - 86%)
Booking dot com logo15 - 25%£150 - £250£750 - £850 (75 - 83%)**
Vrbo logo15%+£150+£850 or less (85% or less)
*5% includes our payment fee of 3% and Stripe processing fee (typically 2%).
**includes an estimated 2% payments processing fee.
We believe
  • Typical Airbnb, and Vrbo commission of 15%: you receive £950 from us versus £850 from them (12% more).
  • Premium Airbnb, and Vrbo commission of 25%: you receive £950 from us versus £750 from them (21% more).

Ready to start listing?

Make more money from your holiday lettings. Our fees are up to 20% less than Airbnb, and Vrbo.
We're confident that you and your renters will prefer to book through Clickstay.
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